#honestly looks very sweet
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gogandmagog · 1 year ago
Has anyone here abouts played the 'Oh my Anne' game? The teaser has little Rilla deaf, which is quite the thought-provoking choice, but I'm way intrigued about the rest, if anyone's done actual game play?
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heuldoch7b · 4 days ago
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unsure if im gonna finish this or not, so i share a little preview
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ingravinoveritas · 3 months ago
Nothing says wedded bliss like sharing a photo of your ex-boyfriend on your anniversary and then making a post about your actual husband with a caption that never mentions love and instead is just a dig at his ability to take pictures...
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vikdec4i · 5 months ago
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did anyone else ever catch this??? he treats a beverage like a finger food. not only is he picking out ice to munch on it like a snack, he's also savoring the lemon garnish.
allow me to reach peak insanity at 3 am type beat here– this actually reflects a lot about asa's character, especially regarding how he treats those around him.
don't go too crazy on me now he might just like to munch on ice and lemon slices–
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BUT it fits the atmosphere of the scene since the guy is quite literally consuming mitzi, or what is left of her. which takes form in either taunting her with the remnants of atlas' death or taking jabs at her character.
there's some aspect of gluttony here. as in, despite what he claims to believe, he still sees mitzi as a hurdle to be dealt with. which is why he's been trying to convince, or let's say weed her out of the industry.
we can reflect this back on the 20s in general and how history tends to write women off their very pivotal role in the bootlegging business.
or i mean maybe im just entertaining my past in literature class because... as mitzi says herself: only asa can explain asa
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years ago
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Culture Shock
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xxgoldie · 3 months ago
for some reason i've got absolutely zero ideas for like. flirty / suggestive vibes w seth. it's either the sweetest fluff or he's on his knees and whimpering.
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ancha-aus · 9 months ago
RealAgeAu Drabble - Day in Town
The poll has ended (and as always i sneaked to see the results early :3) and this one won out! @spotaus
You guys really just like the domestic fluff of these guys trying to parent. Don't you? It is okay. They are rather sweet :D
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Lets get to it! (and for those who forgot because i did because i only mentioned the name ONCE. Crop's brother is called Straw :D) Also I had to really consider who's POV I was going to use for this one as they all would have worked but I ended up going with Killer because he is silly and hasn't had a turn in a while. At least that is what it feels like :D
Killer taps the door as he stares out of the window of the truck. People would assume it is crowded but it honestly isn't that bad.
Mostly because Horror is sitting in the by rider seat with Nightmare in his lap, safely seated. Cross and Dust decided they prefered to drive in the actual cargo area of the truck. Which left only Killer and Crop in the backseat.
Killer honestly also thinks that Dust specifically prefered to sit in the back as he wouldn't have to see Straw. Dust still has the most issues with seeing any other universe's Papyrus. Killer would have gone to sit with him but Cross had been faster with offering it and there is no way in HELL that Killer was going to leave Horror and Ngihtmare without a set of extra sockets.
Doesnt make the drive any less tense.
tap. tap. tap. tap.
Crop sends him another nervous glance before clearing his throat "So.. you guys are finally going to see the town! excited?"
Killer huffs "Not really. But Dusty mentioned needed actual stuff for Nighty." which is why Killer leans closer to the seat before him holding Horror and Nightmare. He looks over the side and grins at Nightmare "sup tiny boss."
Nightmare looks over and sends him a tiny glare "You should have your seatbelt on."
Killer coos "Aw you do care~ such a sweet baby."
Nightmare blushes and mutters as he hides his face in Horror's sweater. Horror sends him an amused look "Killer. stop that."
Killer shrugs and leans back in his seat. feeling very accomplished.
Killer just needs to make sure that Nightmare doesn't fall into old patterns of trying to be the adult and leader. He doesn't need to do that and it isn't healthy for the babybones. so. Time to unlearn! At least those moments have been getting less and less frequent so there is progress!
Killer still doesn't appreciate the look send their way from both Crop and Straw, Yes he knows tiny boss is adorable but if they as much as try to get closer there is going to be spilled dust.
Straw stops the truck and announces their arrival.
Crop gets out quickly and they are on a parkinglot outside a shopping street. It isn't too large by the looks of it and just shops and a bar restaurant thing, probably this universes Grillby's.
Crop smiles at them "Okay! First day out!" Crop looks almost as nervous about this as Cross looks and Cross is actively looking around and has his hand ready to grab his knife.
Crop must see it too as he and straw share a look. Straw motions towards them and the town and Crop waves it off.
Crop turns back to them and Killer grins "SOmething the matter?"
Crop is quick to answer "What?! No! Of course not! It is just. a lot. This can be a lot and i just want to be sure everything is fine!"
Killer chuckles and sees Horror shoot him a disapproving glance. Still Horror goes over to Cross and hands Nightmare over to him. Cross is quick to hug him close and Nightmare has his grumpy face on again but still holds unto Cross. Clearly comfortable.
Horror joins his side "Killer. Stop." Killer sticks his tongue out at Horror and Horror's disapprovement makes way for amusement.
Hah! Still got it!
Horror looks at Crop "This isn't first time for us. We know how to behave."
Crop nods as he rubs his arm "I figured! It is just... If this works out you guys can stay longer and have something of a base to fall back on. I am just worried because some people can be..." he searches for the words.
Straw leans clsoer "Mean, harsh and rude."
Crop sends him a glare and Straw shrugs "It is true!"
Crop sighs "Anyway." he turns back to them "Ready to introduce yourselves?"
Killer grins "And spread rumours!" He can see Dust pull a pained face again. Dust is still not a fan of the backstory they settled on but they are already commited to it after the doctor's visit!
Crop chuckles and grins "I am still curious about what you guys settled on myself..."
Killer shakes his skull and shakes his finger "No no. No cheating. figure it out yourself" and he grins.
Cross huffs as he keeps Nightmare fully against him "Lets just get this over with..."
Adn they walk into town.
People are staring which they all had expected and should be used to at this point. But Killer doesn't like the fact how many people see Nightmare at the moment, and by the looks of it, neither do the others like this. Cross keeps trying to hold Nightmare as close as possible and almost hide by Horror. Dust has started to fully shadow the two as he barely looks around.
Crop and Straw obviously see the tension and seem to be sharing more uncertain looks.
Nightmare however doesn't seem to share their issues as he happily leans away from the hold to enable himself to look around. He studies buildings and vehicles. and even just stares back at people staring at him. Clearly more interested in learning about this new place than actual worry.
Or maybe he just feels safe with them and that does THINGS to Killer.
Crop stops them near the middle of the streat "okay! This is it!" he waves around himself "It isn't a lot now as people are still waiting for the produce to finish growing. But. Generally." he points to a shop "General store. they have most things needed." he points to the shop next to it "Bookstore. self explainatory." he points to the large bar "Grillby's is a bar and restaurant. people spend most of their free evenings there."
Hah! Called it!
Crop points out a few more buildings but most of those are for farming things and supplies.
Dust nods and looks over at them before looking back to the bookstore and general store "Going to get things. be back soon."
They watch him casually walk away on his own.
Yeah no absolutely not!
Killer is already half jogging after Dust as he waves at Cross, Horror and Nighmare "You guys stick together and get a feel for other people!" After which he sprints to catch up with Dust.
They enter the general store together.
Dust shoots him a look "don't need a babysitter."
Killer huffs and grins "Says you!" and he follows Dust as Dust looks at things. Killer just doens't like any of them being alone unless it is at a secured place. So Killer will jsut stalk Dusty for a bit! It is perfect!
Dusty looks at items and ends up getting two more notebooks and some pencils. he nods to himself and gets in line to pay for the items.
Killer checks the funds and frowns. They are running out and they will either have to go to another universe to steal more and risk drawing attention or actually think of a way to make money the legal way.
A groan from upfront and Killer looks up to see a teenager panicking over the cash register. the customers before them all look angry and annoyed.
The teenager presses buttons but nothing seems to help "I am sorry. I am sorry! It just... has issues once in a while. I can fix this!" the teenager does not look any clsoer to fixing it!
Dust huffs and turns to him "Hold." and Killer gets the few school supplies pushed into his arms. Dust afterwards walks over to the front. He grabs the basket of items and pushes it into the arms of the man in front "Hold." the man goes to say something but Dust just hops on top of the counter and sits next to the register. He turns it this and that way.
Dust hums as he pulls out his pocket knife and undoes some screws. the cap opens and he looks into the darkness, a shift in his socket and his eye light now lights up the inside of the register.
He looks at the teen "Got tape?"
The teenager blinks at him before nodding.
Dust nods "Get it." and turns back to the register as he removes some wires and starts making tiny cuts.
The teen grabs it from a drawer and hands it over "Euh... sir... I don't... i mean... i am not allowed... i don't know if you can..."
Dust hums and doesn't listen at all as he redoes some of the wires and removes some of them that looked burned through. He secures things with the tape and closes the back up again. he turns the register back in place and hits the side once.
The register lights up and asks for a log in.
Dust looks at the teen "Fixed." he hops down of the counter. Takes the basket the man in front is still holding dumbfounded. DUst places it back on the counter and walks back to Killers side where he takes his own stuff back.
Killer grins at him "Nicely done. I think that is a new record for you fixing soemthign."
Dust may appear calm but Killer know shim and can see the smaller skeleton looks smug "Easy fix. just a burned wire."
Killer nods "Still a new record! Sadly i didn't have the free hands to time it."
Dust shrugs and acts like he doesn't care but Killer knows better.
The line goes a lot quicker and once it is their turn they quickly pay for the items.
The leave the store and Killer points at the bookstore "Do we need anything from there?"
Dust thinks for a moment before shaking his skull.
Ah. seems like Dust doesn't plan on expanding the classes just yet. Likely wants to see if they actually stay for longer here first.
So they walk back to the group as Dust holds a tiny bag with the new things. they see them near another store and they seem to be talking to a bunny and a dog monster.
The bunny coos as they stare at Ngihtmare and Killer feels himself glae as he rushes to their side "Hey!! Whatsup!" and he nuzzles Nightmare in greeting.
Nightmare huffs and whines "Killer! Careful for my ice cream." Killer pulls back and sees now that Nightmare is also holding ice cream. woops. Killer looks down adn yeah that is ice cream on his shirt. Oh well. he shrugs.
Cross laughs as he smiles at Nightmare "Still good to eat?"
Nightmare studies his ice cream before nodding and going back to eating it with tiny tiny licks. dust joins them again and Nightmare immediantly looks at him. Killer can spot their tiny Nightlight starting to raise an arm towards Dust but he stops himself and pulls it back.
Luckily, or unluckily, Dust is very observant and saw it right away. He gives the bag to Killer and easily climbs the haystack Nightmare had been sitting on. Dust next pulls Nightmare into his lap without disturbing the ice crema eating process.
Nightmare hums happily and leans back into the hug as a tiny purr starts to leave him.
Killer grins as he leans against the hay stack and looks at the two other monsters, who are staring very intensly at Dust and Nightmare and Killer feels... something protective rise up. still he keeps asmile on his face as he speaks "who are the new fluffballs?"
The bunny smiles brightly "Hey! I am Ellie and this is Dani, we are fellow farmers like Crop. We own a tree farm and cherry farm."
the dog, Dani, nods "Yeah! Crop asked us if we had any spare clothes so we kinda knew some people moved in. it is nice to meet you five!" she smiles brightly.
Killer nods as he keeps his arms crossed and his grin sharp. stop looking at them. stop looking at them. stop looking at-
Horror nods "Nice to... meet friendly faces. We are still...settling..."
Cross helps quickly "As Horror said, we are still getting used to things around here. we are very lucky that Horror and Crop were friends and he was willing to let us stay."
Dani looks curious "I hope you don't mind me asking... why the name change from Sans to Crop?"
Killer freezes as he tries to think but Cross shrugs "Skeleton naming thing. Normally you are named after fonts that we speak in, yes we can see fonts and yes it gets weird and yes it takes magic. We just kinda know the vibe and with magic can see those. You can named after that. problem, we all speak in the same font type. Meaning we all kinda had the same name." he rubs his neck "Two people with the same name you can work around but six gets confusing. So nicknames."
Ellie smiles brightly "Dani and I are the same! We were both named Danielle and when we met we realised this would get annoying. especially when we.. euh... got together together." she giggles "so. we are now Dani and Ellie!"
Dani looks highly amused "Our house voicemail is still, the house of Danielle however. It was too good of a joke to pass up."
Ellie nods and smiles "If you guys need anything or help let us know. We have a lot of leftover stuff from our own moving and getting settled and saved everything we could." She looks at Nightmare and Dust again and smiles "And can I jsut say the tiny one is adorable." she looks curiously at them all "So... you guys got one?"
Killer feels that portective rage turn into protective and possessive smugness as Dust answers "he is mine. we all work together." and he shrugs at the questioning look.
Cross shakes his skull at the questioning look "That... is rather personal... they prefer not to talk about it."
Killer can see Ellie and Dani share a worried look before both smile reassuring "That is fine. Take it easy okay?" Dani smiles as Ellie nods along.
They continue the small talk for a moment longer before Ellie reminds DAni that they came to get fertilizer and they two walk off hand in hand.
Crop watches them go "That... went very well..."
Horror looks at him amused "Told you."
Crop laughs adn nods "Yeah you were right. You guys totally got this."
They remain there and meet a few more people from town as they wait for Straw to finish getting what Crop and him need for their actual farm.
Killer relaxes in the sun as the day slowly passes.
When they get back Cross will probably force him out of his now sticky shirt. Killer will tease him about wanting to undress him which will make Cross sputter and blush. Killer will end up wearing aclean shirt and probably watch as Dust teaches Nightmare more about math while Horror and Cross help Crop and Straw around on the farm.
Killer hadn't expected this all to go like this but it is nice. it is quiet. and most important, they are all safe.
All in all? Great success!
I still don't feel like i quite nailed Killer. Killer is a curious character to write as he is very silly but also wickedly smart. mmmmh. but then again this is a drabble. *shrug*
Realistically? If this was a full on chaptered fanfic this would probably be a chapter i had to rewrite a few times. Just to make sure I get Killer's character and behaviour right. But for now it is fine :)
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trentcrimminallybeautiful · 4 months ago
thinking about tipsy trent/tedependent again (after seeing some of my old posts here and here) and like, i've got two different fics where they hook-up while drunk but i'm Still Thinking About It. specifically i am thinking about trent, tipsy and instantly thrilled to see ted (trent, aloof and cold and standoffish journalist, upon seeing ted lasso while even slightly tipsy: [immediately turning into the human embodiment of ":D!!!!"] TED!!!) and being just drunk enough to start flirting. terribly. luckily for him ted finds it to be incredibly endearing (and if part of him is secretly, guiltily a little flattered that trent is just so pleased to see him, let alone that trent wants him so earnestly--well that's fine) and. god. should they be having irresponsible tipsy sex while trent's still a journalist? absolutely not. is it even likely in canon? no. do i care? also no, BAM, fate aligns just right where trent's drunk enough to actually flirt with ted, ted's drunk enough to flirt back, and this somehow ends up with one of them in the other's bed and there's sloppy making out which turns into clumsy giggly drunk sex which turns into sleepy cuddling which turns into waking up the next morning like Oh Fuck.
#also still giggling over drunk trent googling 'does ted lasso is biseuxal:('#he's getting a little mopey about the crush he totally doesnt ahve#and then is immediately snapped out of his funk by seeing said crush in person and going !!!!!!! :D#anyway something something. ted--juuuuust tipsy enough to be a liiiittle impulsive--slowly realizing trent crimm is FLIRTING. for REAL.#and first he's kinda leaning into it without noticing#(trent is noticing and he is DELIGHTED. ted's RESPONDING!!! he is too drunk to care about why this is a bad idea)#and then ted's turning it over slowly in his head and realizing hey actually he likes that trent is flirting.#so he flirts back a little more deliberately and watches trent crimm BLUSH and then is a little shocked by how strong his own reaction to#that is. he Really likes making trent blush.#and trent leans in more flirts back more doesnt back off all. eyes bright and sparkling cheeks a little flushed#and like. honestly. i really can't decide who should kiss first#bc there's something so sweet and funny abt trent tipsily kissing him first--only bc ted flirted back very clearly#and ted being the one to deepen it. kissing him back and pulling him closer. and trent eagerly going with THAT#but on the other hand ted being the one to kiss him..... i think maybe i prefer that. for a few reasons but esp bc im imagining#up until that point trent was kind of just. coasting with how happy just This was making him but not really thinking it could/would go anyw#anywhere. but ted flirting back is already sooo thrilling. and then ted KISSES HIM.#for ted its like kissing that cute surprised look right off his face for trent its like. a moment of shock#before eagerly throwing himself into it all clumsy and warm and lovin it#idk man im spinning this#gertspeak#tedependent
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in-tua-deep · 2 months ago
had a funky asgardian dream last night lol
the premise was that loki fucked around and basically an amnesiac version of loki ended up back in time with so many holes in his memory but enough knowledge to be like "odin is my dad"
and odin looked at this kid and was like "aw he looks like hela, this tracks" and, importantly, does not know that loki is a frost giant and just assumes loki is his full blood kid lol
all that to say that loki and thor grow up with big brother!loki who is actually?? a good big brother?
rather than hide hela's existence, older loki makes odin nostalgic and he ends up telling them that hela is their big sister who was "lost to the war" or some bullshit, which most people assume to mean she died in the war, right?
older loki sees like, one picture of her, notes the similarities, and then for some weird reason feels profoundly uncomfortable so he decides not to unpack all that and just avoids mention of her lol. kid thor doesn't really care that much about her bc she's not in their lives so why should he? kid loki LOVES learning about her and actively seeks info about her out, mostly because he thinks a big sister would probably be better than two older brothers (he also is young enough that lost to the war means that he could probably find her, right?)
importantly, kid!Loki grows up very differently in this dream world. instead of being the weird outcast prince, everyone looks at him and is like "awww look he's like his big brother <3." he's also like, 8 so at the moment he is very much the baby of the family
anyway so the main plot of this dream was big Loki (imagine like a 19/20 year old) plus thor (like 12) and Loki (8ish) manage to find where Hela is sealed away. idk where they are or where the king and queen are, it's implied they're not in asgard right now and this was a Very Unplanned Field Trip that is giving older Loki an ulcer. They have to look at little Loki to confirm this weird fucking ceiling portrait is Hela bc the older two are not the Hela Experts in the room
at the same time, older Loki is starting to get some flashes of the future and begins to suspect that he's from the Bad Timeline
through accident, they manage to unseal Hela, who is met with three whole younger siblings - and let me tell you it is a very different welcome when you have a very enthusiastic 8-yr-old sparkling at you and very excited to have found his lost sister and a 12-yr-old who thinks girls kind of have cooties rolling his eyes
so hela makes a split second decision to not tell her baby brothers about the whole "dad sealed me away for being warful" thing (it will be a fun surprise for odin later <3) and also embrace being a big sister (it is now her legal job to pick on older loki and make fun of thor for being the odd one out)
anyway while they're figuring this out, older Loki is continuing to get flashes of the future but is now somehow joined by thor also getting flashes of the future. what they manage to glean makes them suspicious, and hey if they're both getting future visions or whatever then logically baby loki should also be, right??
so they start to like. suspiciously spy on little loki. except idk maybe the universe decided that one loki having knowledge was fine? i don't think older loki actually fully knows about the time travel thing or that he IS little loki tbh
so anyway they're spying on an eight year old who has a strict bedtime of nine o'clock.
meanwhile hela starts getting flashes of the future and is like "wait. do i destroy asgard?? why would i do that? where would my brothers live? ):"
the only other thing i remember is there being a dramatic scene where hela is trying to reject her fate and someone tells her that she cannot escape it, and she's actually getting teary eyed because she's gotten attached to her weird shitty brothers now
then i woke up and was like "huh"
#my dreams#dream journal#big brother loki dream#i have no explanation for the fact that both lokis were just called loki in the dream#no one even batted an eye#that's dream logic for ya!#thor was also a lil different#a little shit but in the way that 12 year olds are little shits#also he kept getting called the odd one out bc of all his black haired goth siblings#i think at one point he asked if they thought he should dye his hair#little loki was very sweet honestly and really got to be a little kid without the weight of asgard hating him#older loki really absorbed a lot of that at the beginning lol and would NOT stand for anyone being mean to his little brothers#older loki and thor teaming up to be suspicious of little loki was a hilarious part of the dream#i am not kidding about the 9 o'clock bedtime which little loki adhered to religiously#little loki shoving his brothers out of the way like 'sorry losers i have a sister now <3'#hela was charmed by little loki and the other two are very fun to tease#her and older loki snipe at each other#older loki is like 'hmm for some reason i feel like releasing hela is Very Bad.'#*looks at little loki*#'ah yes my position as fav older sibling is being threatened'#hela is that one meme where she's like 'i've only had little loki for one day but if anything happened to him i'd destroy asgard'#i appreciate my brain deciding i needed a fun little sibling sitcom in my brain last night though#very fun#no clue where the loki of it came from since i haven't seen a marvel movie since uhhhhh i think the one where thanos snaps.#is that infinity wars or end game#i did watch the taika thor movie but not the second one?
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waugh-bao · 9 months ago
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Mick, Ronnie, and Keith taking final bows in Chicago (June, 2024)
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wildwood-faun · 13 days ago
first SCA meetup, check!
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dimorphodon-x · 9 months ago
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I was not expecting to get punched in the gut by the Ultraman: Rising movie god damn😭
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stevieharringtonwifeguy · 1 year ago
re: your steve kisses everybody post, hear me out: Eddie is like, "I know this is new for you..." and Steve goes, "Well, I mean, me and the basketball team used to mess around but it wasn't, like, REAL." and Eddie goes, "...what?" Steve says, "Well like, we would make out and sometimes touch but not in a REAL way." And Eddie gets a little panicked and is like "what? What?? you-- the team-- that's not-- what?" And Steve goes, "I mean, just normal messing around." "That's not normal!" Eddie says and Steve is like "No it totally is." and Eddie goes to Lucas to try and convince Steve and I know one joke is Lucas going um no?? but imho it's funnier if Lucas goes, "I mean yeah, when we were hyped up or having fun, it's not a big deal. I've gone further roleplaying with the Party." Steve gets all smug and Eddie has a breakdown picturing the locker room being one of those girls-at-a-slumber-party-gone-sexual-fantasies
i hadn't considered where the party stood on the 'is making out with your friends a fun bonding activity' debate bc they register as infant children to me, but given that they're entering high school and will likely be beginning to experiment with that it is hilarious to think about where they fall on that
el is 100% team fun bonding activity i think. given the opportunity i think she would give everyone in her friend group a lil smooch bc she loves affection in all its forms and loves to give it to and receive it from the people she cares about
lucas and max are kind of on the fence bc they're together, but i think they are inherently both team fun bonding activity but refrain for each other's sake. until they realise it's fine and then they're congratulating each other on good kisses
dustin is team what the fuck are you talking about. his lips are for suzie and suzie only and the fact that lumax and el are chill about it baffles him
mike is also team what the fuck are you talking about but this is bc a) he has no game and b) the one time he tried to kiss a friend and have it be chill he chose will as his kissee and felt weird about it, so he assumes it's just impossible to kiss someone without feeling weird about it
will is originally team what the fuck are you talking about but that's the repression talking. after he's more comfortable in himself he's like actually yknow what!! yeah!! i can just have a lil fun!! just a sweet lil kiss!!!! and he kisses lucas 100% purely for fun while max and el cheer and mike continues to feel weird
steve and eddie hear about the general consensus towards friend-kissing in the party and after being like ew no it's actually illegal for high school freshmen/ now sophomores to be kissing each other (blatant hypocrisy on steve's part) steve takes this as a monumental win for the friend-kissers
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acebytaemin · 4 months ago
i feel like you will agree or at least understand me when i say Hold My Hand MV featuring han’s alien self shows he finally found radical acceptance and love for himself and i am so emotional and happy for him 🥹
ouh the way i love this ask❣️ i literally ran to youtube to have a look and you’re so right.. especially the last shot where he nods to himself in comfort/acceptance aaauuuhhhh hold my hand is such an emotional experience to me and i feel like the visuals really support that in a way that’s going to be a little bit earth shattering to me as a person
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b4kuch1n · 1 year ago
tdov was like a week ago already but I just wanna say when I came over to vacation slash help my sworn brother move flat he told me, "ever since you said you wanted to get top surgery I've been thinking about it. it's straight up number two on my bucket list"
#bakuspeech#number one is a house bc obviously. if u can own a house wouldnt u#he was very drunk at that time of the evening. I was not bc I have the constitution of a hot air balloon and any stimulant will blow me up#(relatively new development. france fucked me up big time turns out)#we held hand on his bed for like the whole evening. it was honestly very funny in hindsight but we were extremely earnest in the moment#and Im like. working on this thing as well. I dont got meds or therapy lmao Im bootstrappin here#but yeah early last year his bf offered to get me meds and I... turned it down... I think I was worried abt like. idk. something#but one year past looking back Im fully like that was a stupid move you shouldve gotten meds. youve once again fucked urself baku#but yeah with that kinda realization Ive also come to realized I've somewhat? accepted. that I'm just gonna be. like this#this in light of a number of likely chronic stuff too (hence my balloon-like constitution lmao) and#that's kinda bled into the rest of me without me really noticing#but him bringing that up fully unprompted... kinda jolted me out of it#its just. really incredibly sweet. that someone doesn't want me to settle for what I make do with#and like. preps for that work. just kinda held my hand and told me it's possible to do this actually#I didn't really express how I felt very well in that moment I think my brain is very bad and I process emotions with like a day of delay#but. well. Im thinking abt it Right Now. so yknow thats the kind of impact that had on me lol#not super sure why I wrote all this down here really. I think I just want a good n nice reminder that object permanence is real#and I exist in my friends' life even when Im going insane in a hole by myself#and with the power of friendship we can alter the universe's plan for ourselves and also kill god#that's that. anyways I eat lunch now and then pass out probably. last night was... eventful lmao#but!! very good things on the horizon hopefully. well manifestly we hold hammers and we use them#have a good day lads. let's go out and slay monsters under a highway
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seokwoosmole · 5 months ago
*Sign of affection minor spoilers*
Yuki’s family not communicating with her in (or even seeming to know much) sign language rubs me so wrongly. I don’t know a whole lot about the Deaf community, but I’m taking an ASL class right now and I’ve seen Deaf characters portrayed in media, but I don’t know any Deaf people that use ASL that are close to me, so maybe this isn’t an educated opinion. But I would think that if you were a parent and had a Deaf child since BIRTH and they were 19 years old, sometime in those 19 years, you would have learned sign language - even a little???? Like if Yuki was born hearing and became deaf later in life, I could maybe see how her parents/brother haven’t yet mastered sign language, but that’s not the case!! Yuki was born Deaf and her whole family is perfectly fine with her relying on lip reading and they don’t even seem like they’re actively practicing or learning for that matter😭That scene in the manga when Yuki helps clean for her older brother and she says he only knows ONE sign. And when Itsuomi meets her parents they are genuinely shocked that the two of them are holding sign language conversations despite him only learning recently and the two of them not dating very long. I love Itsuomi and I do think he is genuinely a really great guy, but I also think other characters make it really easy for him to look like such a green flag in comparison😭 Like. This man didn’t know a single sign before meeting Yuki and he’s known her for a few MONTHS and he’s made such an effort to learn for her. And don’t get me wrong, this isn’t an Itsuomi praise post (again I love him, but imo, if you have a significant other who’s fluent in and predominantly uses a language that’s not one you know, it’s the bare minimum to make an effort to learn it) more so this post is just me being baffled at the people in Yuki’s life😭 Like. THESE PEOPLE LOVE HER! Yuki does not in the slightest have an unloving or unkind family. So the fact that they canonically don’t use sign language with her and rely on her to lip read and write/text is just wild to me.
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